Books Everyone Should Read

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Authors Of English Books

Pride and Prejudice 

by Jane Austen   

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone  

by J.K. Rowling  

Wuthering Heights  

by Emily Brontë  

Jane Eyre  

by Charlotte Brontë  

Animal Farm   

by George Orwell  


by George Orwell 

Great Expectations  

by Charles Dickens 

A Tale of Two Cities  

by Charles Dickens  


by Jane Austen  

Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life  

by George Eliot  

Romeo and Juliet  

by William Shakespeare  

Sense and Sensibility  

by Jane Austen  


by Mary Shelley  

The Hobbit  

by J.R.R. Tolkien   

Lord of the Flies   

by William Golding   

Comic Price Guide

Comic book price guides 

are generally monthly, quarterly, or yearly publications which Show Details About the changes in the resale value of a comic over a period of time. Price guides are also important tools for die hard collectors looking to sell their collection or determine their collection’s worth for insurance or other purposes.
Each collector will have his or her own preference regarding which authority to follow, but popular and respected guides currently include :

The Official Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide,

 Comics Buyer's Guide magazine, 

Wizard Magazine

the Comics Buyer's Guide-Standard Catalog of Comic Books

and Human Computing’s ComicBase, (an inventory/databasing software program.) - Free Online Source For Comic Book Price Guides...

Friday, February 8, 2013

Richard Matheson - The Master of Psychological Suspense

Richard Matheson is one more great author famous for his  science, horror, fantasy fictions and was called "the author who influenced me most as a writer" by King. Both of them "casually integrate characters' thoughts into the third person narration". Matheson is typically of fantasy, horror, or science fiction.

A recent film - revised by one of Matheson's novel is "I am Legend". The story tells about the last human in the world who confronts with other variant species. As the only man in the world, the loneliness and hopelessness of him can be passed on to readers when they imagine how hard it is to be that particular hero. For the loneliness and hopelessness are feelings people share a lot. We see again for horror fiction, to grasp weakness of human is a good method.

It is not hard to find that strange or unbelievable things are the common point of these kinds of works. People are always curious about the unordinary things. Though these works have many elements in common in the field of suspense, they have their own futures. For Stephen King, there is only one goal to achieve, which is to frighten readers. The more scared readers are, the more successful he is. Suspense he used is not only to attract people, but also to scare people. Fear is his final aim.
To frighten people is also the aim of this man. But the man mainly uses another form to achieve his aim, in the form of film. He is the "master of psychological suspense" in the field of film: Alfred Hitchcock, a man films the fears of people. He is a film master to give fears to people as gifts all his life.
The master of psychological distinguishes shock and suspense. Shock can make people have a start, but suspense can leave people in a state of suspicious and anxiety. The latter is the final goal of all horror fictions or films. He believes the key to create suspense is to arouse audiences' curiosities and to let them know what happen but not inform them the reason or what will happen. Sometimes films look like the conspire between the director and audiences, people who do not know what happen are the leading roles.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"to you, Perceptive Reader, I Bequeath my History..."

                                        The Historian



This novel is  alot better than I was expecting. I have seen it among a friend’s luggage then later saw it at the library. Having just come off three weeks of nineteenth century novelists, I thought, Oh, something light would be a cool change. After all, I thought. Vampires. The book is about vampires. And not just any vampire, but the dark lord himself, Dracula, the real Vlad the Impaler, who turns out to be the undead.

Late one night, exploring her father's library, a young woman finds an ancient book and a cache of yellowing letters. The letters are all addressed to "My dear and unfortunate successor," and they plunge her into a world she never dreamed of - a labyrinth where the secrets of her father's past and her mother's mysterious fate connect to an inconceivable evil hidden in the depths of history.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Screenings for the composite Cabal Cut of Nightbreed continue in 2013...

More Nightbreed... (Interested..?)

Clive : "The movie [originally] failed so dismally and the reception was so vicious, I was just dragged down by the waste of it. If I've come across as distancing myself from it, it's because I felt that I had not succeeded. I felt I'd let everybody down, including myself. There were a lot of people who'd really given their love and pushed harder than they needed to on my behalf, and we had nothing to show for it...
"What we're looking at [now] is a monstrous jigsaw, but the fact we've been able to reassemble the pieces in the right order now testifies to the fact that my version was actually shot. After all this time, I'm suddenly very optimistic!"

The Strange Case of Clive Barker's Nightbreed

By Owen Williams, Empire Magazine, No.279, September 2012 (Note - interview took place 12 July 2012)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Top 10 Best Zombie Books You Should Read

Zombie books are making a killing, pardon the pun, both in online book sales and the traditional book stores. The popularity of the best zombie books including the zombie survival book can be attributed to the increasing interest generated by these flesh-eating animated creatures the world over.

If you are a real zombie-thing guy then you must have already read the zombie survival guide. But if you are like most diehards, then only one or two zombie book is not enough to satisfy this growing thirst about these rotting corpses.
Here is a list of the top 10 zombie books that every Z-fanatic should read:
1). Grey Dogs: Zombie Survival
This book by Ian DG Sandusky talks about an epidemic that spares no one. Once you get infected with the viral infection, you're done for sure.
2). Cell
This bloody  Stephen King novel is the world-famous author's tribute to zombie films. The book, which talks about terrorism and technological warfare and the use of cellphones to wipe humanity's brain to zero, is so addictive that readers would not be able to put it down until the last page.
3). The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead
This fully illustrated guide by Max Brooks is a must-have for everyone who wants to understand how the zombie works and how it can be outwitted in case of an attack.
4). World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War
Another must-read book from Max Brooks but this time, he talks about the zombie war and the stories of people who have survived the outbreak.
5). The Official Zombie Handbook - The Ministry of Zombies
This book by Sean T. Page reveals that the undead have been with humans even before the start of history. What is interesting is that the outbreaks in Rome and in ancient Babylon have all been documented. Everyone needs this guide to survive a zombie outbreak today.
6). The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks
Max Brooks makes it to the top 10 list for the third time with this short story collection of different zombie attacks that have been recorded. The stories are really short so it is an easy read.
7). Zombies: A Record of the Year of Infection
Don Roff talks about an unknown illness that turned out to be a zombie infestation. The suspenseful story of the 2011 zombie apocalypse is made known to the world through the journal of a biologist who noted the zombies' behavior along the way.
8). Day by Day Armageddon
J. L. Bourne's new thriller will be a treat to zombie fans. The undead has risen to claim the planet starting with the United States. The story is narrated by a US Naval officer through his journal.
9). The Zombie Survival Guide: How to Live Like a King After the Outbreak Etienne Guerin DeForest's book will teach you how to survive the zombie apocalypse in style. There is a caveat though; read this book only if you have a strong mind.
10). I Am Legend
This book by Richard Matheson owes its popularity to the movie which stars Will Smith. It is still possible to enjoy the book even if you have already seen the movie. After all, any tale about the plague and zombies will always be an interesting read especially when you realize that one man provides hope for mankind.
Expect more bestselling zombie books in the future for as long the people's interest in zombies remain unfazed. And from all indications, they never will.
There is no doubt there is a zombie craze happening right now throughout the world.
For some it is a fascination and love for great horror. For others it's a conscious effort to prepare for the zombie apocalypse. Whatever the case may be for you - we've got you covered.